Added trending stories from Pocket in your new tab. Added “No Image” mode to allow you to automatically block images from loading. Search suggestions are enabled by default, unless you have previously opted out. “Highlights” appear when opening a new tab to allow you to easily jump back to a previously viewed site. Firefox has a new look and feel that we call “Photon.” It’s a modern design that puts users’ needs first - with easier access to the menu, rearranged menu items and an updated minimalist look. This hasn't affected all users, but has plagued the app across multiple versions of the app – until Mozilla cracks this, it could be a deal breaker. Unfortunately, on the downside we experienced severe stability problems using the app once signed into Firefox Sync, with it crashing after around 10-20 seconds of use. A number are set up, but you can add any search provider to craft the perfect one-stop search tool. Other features include intelligent search, which polls multiple search engines for results. Firefox also promises to be more careful when it comes to privacy, with Private Browsing mode and easy options for deleting history, passwords and other tell-tale signs of your browsing. The design and basic functionality all feel familiar, and thanks to support for Firefox Sync, you can bring your bookmarks and other settings into it, plus access synced tabs too.

That may rankle with Firefox diehards, but in Mozilla’s defence, the browser it's produced does look and feel like Firefox. Mozilla had tried to stand up to Apple's insistence that all third-party browsers be built around its own WebKit engine, but in the end caved in to produce this app. Its Firefox web browser currently accounts for under 10% of the desktop browser market, but it’s made strides to develop mobile apps to provide its userbase with a cross-platform alternative to Chrome or Safari. Mozilla has rebranded itself the "non-profit champion of the internet", and is making the case for independent developers. In a browser market increasingly dominated by behemoths like Microsoft (Edge) and Google (Chrome), Firefox remains the outsider’s choice.